Saturday, December 11, 2010

Corruption of a leader: The final act

Hakua felt his armor cave in, the assassin's strength was unbelievable, and Hakua truly experienced it as he was crushed under his hunter's feet. "This is just the beginning, can't take it? Good luck making it out." The assassin said as he grabbed Hakua by the neck and with a jurked motion he flung Hakua into a wall. Hakua felt his strength give way. "STOP!" A voice screamed. The assassin turned in shock, then fled. "Good, we are alone." Hakua felt a hand grab his mask and pry him from the ground. What Hakua saw was horrific, a huge dark warrior with beading purple eyes staring straight into Hakua. "Yes it's me, shadow, you surprised I survived?" Shadow asked. "*gasping*" Hakua couldn't talk. "How??" Hakua said very faintly. "Nevermind that. I came to watch you die. Now then. ASSASSIN!!!!" The assassin appeared behind shadow. "Kill this warrior would you?" Shadow said. "With pleasure....." The assassin withdrew a knife from his forearm and struck Hakua in the shoulder. "AAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Hakua said before gasping. blood poured from Hakua's arm. The assassin raised his knife in a final blow, but before the knife struck Hakua he felt the wieght of the assassin flung from his body. A large spear had struck the assassin in the chest. "Step away, or I will kill you." A strange hooded figure said. The assassin flung his head up and laughed. "This? Please, just another heroic attempt." The assassin grabbed the spear and ripped it from his chest, stood up and threw the spear at the figure, who dodged the spear and threw a knife at the assassin. "GAAAAHHHH! strong.... throw.... but you cannot stop me from what I am supposed to do." Hakua knew the end was here. "Shadow! assist me!" The assassin started frantically looking for shadow. A knife jutted out from the hooded figures chest followed by a shrill scream and silence. Shadow lowered his weapon, and pulled it from the corpse. "Finish what I asked. Goodbye Hakua, it's for the best." Shadow said as he vanished. Hakua felt a cold steel knife gently lay against his neck, he started gasping and wriggling about. "Don't squirm, it just makes my job harder, let me just end your life." Hakua felt the knife slide across his neck and then warmth, the warm rush of blood on his skin. Air left Hakua and Hakua gasped and rolled over onto his back. The assassin stepped away, Hakua was watching through his final breathes and seconds of life as the assassin walked off, and shadows consumed Hakua's vision and there was dark.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Corruption of a leader Part 2.

The two landed in the shadow covered forest. "Woah. what is this?" Hakua asked, partly knowledgable, but not. "Iron tribe colony. Their not gone yet either." Then out of nowhere, a rattling? no, it was a buzzing, it was growing louder and as it grew closer it sounded more and more threatening. A large flying figure burst through the trees of the forest and slashed at Hakua who evaded the attack like nothing. "Hakua! watch out!" the creature wrenched itself back around, only to be slashed in half by an oncoming blade swung by Hakua. As the creature hit the ground it let out a familiar voice. "Hakua..... He's back......and he's worse tha-" the creature faded into air. "He's worse than he was..... he made me this, he is hunting you...." The creature gasped. "I was a matoran, of your tribe, the tribe of gravity, remember?" The creature died. "No, this can't be true, shadowbane? ALIVE? how, I killed him myself!" Hakua exclaimed. "Hakua, it was tren krom's doings......" Dracona faded off. "Tren krom died. he came here, and was killed." "EXACTLY! he brought back shadowbane, and shadow killed him." "Wow, my own tribe leader? revived after I betrayed him? This cannot be too good." But besides those facts the two scavenged the iron colony for weapons and food. They had found a forge, which Hakua used to create new armor and a new weapon, and dracona used to recreate his destroyed protosteel claw that replaced his shot-off hand. the two hopped on draco and took to the sky in search of the gravity village of the valley. "There! Hakua look!" What Hakua beheld was completely alien to him. "A..... A windrider?" The warrior seemed motionless upon his wind lizard, yet he was more than alive and was going somewhere familiar. "This is never a good sign. Dracona we are going under, prepare yourself." A flash changed Hakua and the group from completely visible to invisible in a split second. The windrider leapt off of his windglider and formed an arrow with his body, plummeting to the land mass. Hitting the round with a boom Hakua could identify screams of many matorans, except these matorans looked just like the previous ones. "He's an assasin!" Hakua screamed. "Jump Dracona JUMP NOW!" The second after the two leapt off a spear came almost from thin air and struck draco straight through the heart. Next the assasin had appeared somehow above the two warriors and struck them down towards the earthy surface. "You two, will regret this day, for the rest of your lives." The windrider assasin said. To be continued.....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Corruption of a Leader Part 1.

Shukan awakened from his chambers at the crack of dawn, his town is very large and multiple buildings and houses line the roads. Very few people were not gong into war and shuka was not one of them, being the greatest warrior of all time, him and an unknown warrior, Hakua, are being sent in on a special optics mission. The two have never met before acceptin a mission briefing a few weeks ago. "Up so early friend?" Hakua asked from behind. Hakua was a large black and silver beast, but was once a warrior. "Ah, yes warlord Hakua, I presume your rahi flyer is ready for today?" Shukan replied. "Of course, he has been ready for a few hours now." "Drago, come on, we're ready." Hakua mentally contacted Drago. Drago swooped overhead and landed gracefully. "Time to go. Hop on." They took to the sky on their way to the inferno temple. Later when they arrived, the higher commander, jesukan, was waiting to greet them. Jesukan is a massive 14 foot tall man, he is physically fit, and spiritual by nature. He carried a large steel axe and a shield made of gold and pure-proto iron, a large dark orange cape draped over his back and under held his dagger and his strong backplates. "Greetings, my warriors, how was your flight?" "It was nice sir, now about our mission?" Shukan replied. "AH, yes..... you got the briefing, not much more to be said, accept heres the map, and for Shukan, I have a forged steel carver. "Wow, such a sword, thank you." Hakua took the map and tucked it away in his bag. "Hakua this is not your normal mission, you are in a new place, with new armor and surroundings, you might have a strong title, but you are still a novice. "Yes sir, I realize." Hakua replied. "Too much talk, let's head out Hakua." Shukan said. The two lept back onto Drago and flew off down into the mountains. "Spike cliffs, the worst place to be, the dark trailers live in these mountains." Shukan replied. To be continued.......

Friday, September 17, 2010

New history.

Hakua had become something wonderful, he was the beast that was always meant to change history. On the back of his new ally, a bloodthirst flyger rahi he was ready to defeat the oncoming legions that were aimed to kill Hakua. "Dracona, and Mizumi, both of you grab your weapons, we ae going to rewrite history." "Hakua thats impossible, there is over 5 million of them and 3 of us." Dracona exclaimed. "Don't worry,there is 4. We will show shadowbane that nobody goes down without a fight." Hakua took to the sky with fire spewing from Drago's mouth hitting the aerial mounted soldiers in the legions. "Nice shot, down goes one, lets find the man himself." Hakua said to Drago. "Understood, he's further back within hi forces, shall we go down?" "Lets." Hakua and Drago flew at a vertical angle and leveled out at 200 feet above. "Jump Hakua, shadowbne is right here." "Okay you clear out the ret of the troops." Hakua lepted off Drago, landing in front of shadowbane crushing his prime guard. "Whaaaat????" Shadowbane said. "Hello, remember me?" "No, Hakua this cant be you, you are...." "I am what?" Hakua lepted at shadowbane striking him down. "Powerful, and you have the power of... Shadows?" "Nice guess, but now your forces shall be destroyed and you humiliated." Hakua said confidently, but in a low hiss. "Too bad, not me. I will see you later Hakua." At that moment, shadowbane jumped in the air and was carried off by a large blue flying lizard.
Dracona and Mizumi were sweeping through the ranks with ease, gliding their blades along through the chests of several warriors. "Nice one, warriors, too bad it all ends here." ??? exclaimed. "Wha-wha-what is he?" Dracona stuttered. "He's a Destriam special optics soldier." Mizumi replied. The figure threw Dracona flying with ease and he as not so lucky with Mizumi however. Mizumi had dodged the swipe and countered it with a double bladed stab to the chest. "Not a scratch. Oh no." This enraged the soldier, he whacked Mizumi flying into the carved side of the valley. "NOBODY HITS ME!!!!!!!" The soldier screamed. Mizumi knew her death was right here. The soldier's hand shifted into a large fiery axe, he lifted his arm up and crashed down on Mizumi's arm. Mizumi began to faze in and out of reality. Dracona had just witnessed the near death of his best friend, and wnt into a rampage. "HAKUA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dracona screamed. Drago instead swooped over and picked the soldier up by the neck, lifting him up and smashin him into a cliffside edge, killing him for sure. "NO, Mizumi!!!" Hakua yelled as he ran to her side." "uuuurrrrrgggghhhhh." Mizumi moaned. "That's too far, he kills Mizumi, and he killed my family." Hakua's eyes lit red and flashed to violet, A large storm of darkness erupted over the tops of the valley, and enveloped the forces in shadows and flashes of fire could be seen exploding from the shroud. "Come Drago, time to leave. We have won." Hakua mentally contacted Drago. The two flew out of the shroud with Dracona on back. All that could be seen now was the valley turned into shadows and large bursts of red flames bursting out from here and there, all that Hakua created, it nearly killed him. History was rewritten, today shadow bane and his troops are dead. Or atleast, most are......... Continued in "corruption of a leader, chapter 1 of 3

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Birth of a master

Hakua remembered. He saw that large flying beast that knocked him out. There it was, it was a large red dragon type thing, and it was awaiting a.... fight? Hakua and dracona confronted the beast. "Hello Hakua." the creature said in Haku's mind. "How did you do that?" "I am telepathic, also I can speak whenever I will to anyone." The creature replied. "Woah I want to ride that beast Hakua!" "Be my guest Dracona, he will kill you." Dracon bolted at the beast only being hurled back into the wall and hitting the ground with a hard *Crack*. "I know whats supposed to happen, I am going to fight him." "Hakua No!" Too late. Hakua ran up to the creature, dodged the first strike and whacked it with a shadowy slash. The creature then ripped Hakua's weapon from his hnd and flung him in the air. "You will not defeat me, you are not supposed to." "I know beast, Now the time has come." Dracona got to his feet and hurled his weapon to Hakua, with a blast of energy Hakua grabbed the weapon and sent the beast hurdling to the ground with tremendous force. "Oooowwwww..." "Now I know what must be done." "Goodbye Dracona, this is the last time you will see me lik this." Hakua jumped down from the platform onto the back of the creature. Shadows enveloped his body and his eyes turned violet and his body took on a dark black and silver formation. His eyes flashed from violet to red, thenhis body seemed to be that of a monster yet a bond, was created, between man and beast....... Continued in final chapter.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The legends of Hakua Part 5, An old rival is a good ally

The Green toa-warrior was deep in thought while at the same time flying in a search for Hakua. Hakua on the otherhand, knew who he was dealing with and what to do to avoid him. "Well this won't be as easy as it used to be but I must try." Hakua said. Hakua lept in the air and shot at the planet's surface with his focused explsion. He flew up meeting the green toa in his path and struck. "Well, that worked now for me to confront my old rival. "Owwww...." Urked the toa. "Hello Dracona.... It's been a while." Hakua said while kickig the toa in the side lurching him onto his back. A small gust of air came from underneath Dracona lifting him to his feet and giving him a healthy looking glow. "Aaahh. Hakua it's an honour to meet an outcast. Especially if I know I can kill you." "Dracona I am ready for any fights. Bring it" Hakua and Dracona prepared for battle. Dracona was the first to strike hitting hakua in the chest and again in the legs. Hakua was awestruck with the power in that. Dracona lunged in again interupting Hakua's failed attempt at regaining balance. "Now warrior face my power!" Dracona's eyes began to let off a green flame and his hands became enveloped in fire and an invisible substance easily defined as air. "You will face my full wrath!" Dracona unleashed his entire what seemed to be soul on Hakua causing a mass explosion of sparks, flames, and darkness. "Shadow?" Dracona asked himself. "Yes Dracona.... shadows." Hakua whispered. "No! How did you escaped that explosion!?" "I am originally a toa of focus. But I have the ability to meld into shadows. Now face defeat and join my team!" "Okay fine. Please don't strike me down. I know you can defeat me especially in your new form. Now let's go." "where to?" Hakua asked. "An old friend we both know....." To be continued......

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Legends of Hakua 4, a whole new problem

Hakua dragged himself up the stairs to the building and collapsed at the door, at that moment a guard opened the door and dragged him inside. "Hakua isn't it?" said the guard. "How did you kno- know!" "Hhhmmm. Lucky guess I suppose." "Wait I know yo-." Just then the large doors ahead slammed open into a room with 10-15 people that appeared as elders. "Hello heretic, how was your welcome?" "You don't know me do you? I expected that... maybe this will help." The elder removed his robes to reveal a white and silver body with a silver mask. "No... this can'- can't be yo- you." Hakua replied. "Nice to see you again my son. Unfortunatly I can't take this easy on you... it's a shame." "What can't you go easy on?" "Your punishment... It hurts me to say this but you are sentenced to barrier building of the city New Atero. Good luck." "I think not", Hakua again felt a strong surge rush through him, he jumped to his feet and grabbed his blade. He turns to his father and shot him against the wall with a powerful blast, then he faced the small group of 5 elders and hit them all with a soul killing blast that burns their insides to nothing. The final 10 elders were fleeing the area when Hakua leaped in the air and smashed the ground with his blade. Throwing the elders into the ground with broken necks. "Now I've got to get out." Then he blasted a hole in the wall and lept out on top of the city wall. While he was running a passing toa spotted him. "You're mine this time, no escaping me!" The mysterious toa sprinted after Hakua and then jumped up and extended his protosteel wings. "I'd like to just see you try to run from me... To be continued

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Part 3, it all comes down to this?

Hakua's life had been flashing before his eyes, One moment he see's him killing off his old commander then next he is lying near-death after a confrentation with his old friend, shadowbane. "Hakua, it's time you knew.... shadowbane said. He unmasked himself revealing a beastly-like face and the amulet arpund his neck... the amulet! Hakua recognized it, shadow or shadowbane always wore it! But not today, he ripped it off demolishing his toa appearance body.. "Wh- what had hap- happened to yo- you!?" "I am a werewolf Hakua, doesn't that explan so much?" "It can- can't be, all th- this time- and yo- you didn't ev- even tell me!?" "What time you fool!?(kicks Hakua's side)If there were any time you would know by now and you would've met Rancov...." "Rancov?" "Yes the protector against the toa destroyer, he is the last toa of gravity, don't fight him, trust me." Rancov had passed by when he noticed shadowbane and Hakua. "Warrior shadowbane! Put the amulet back on and haul this prisoner to the high lord. He is afterall a Heretic." Power began surging through Hakua's body as he jumped to his feet and lunged blade first at Rancov. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Hakua screamed at Rancov. Suddenly Hakua found himself dangling right above the ground in front of the massive toa. "Give me a good reason not to finish what shadowbane had started right here and now, I'm waiting." Hakua began to think when he was again interupted. "Nevermind, get to the high lord and his counsil. NOW!!!!!!" to be continued......

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Part 2, A traitor among us

Hakua's Journey seemed endless, nothing could be seen for miles accept what appears to be a fire. Several hours have passed and all Hakua had come across was a group of guards, who he had to evade, and an agori and his rahi who lead him to a city. Now from the start there was no good signs, on every corner Hakua had seen wanted posters with his name on it. Then as if it was merely a small rahi landing on his shoulder something grabbed him. "Who are you!?" Hakua said and he whirled around. "I am Shadowbane, now traitor give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you in." "Because..... if you don't turn me in the-" It was too late, Shadowbane had snapped Hakuas neck leaving him in an extreme state of shock. "H-, how di-, did you do tha-, that so fas-, fast?" "Hahahaha look at who is dominant now you heretic! You remember me Hakua? You left me to suffer wounded and alone in the mountains." "I-, I don't." "No! 1st regiment, the elite optics forces..... If one is injured never leave him to die?" "Shadow?" "That's shadowbane now! You insulent peasant, you only believed that every single mission is a lone wolf job!" To be continued.........

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Legends of Haku, part 1: Just the beginning

The last thing that Hakua saw was a giant flying beast, and all he remebers was being knocked to the ground by it. Sitting up shaking his head and opening his eyes, Hakua looks around with his hand ready to grab his tactical blade. But there was no need to, he was lying down on a snowcovered plain that overlooked a direct drop into the valley. This must've been where he was hit and knocked back. He grabbed his sniper rifle, and lied down looking through the scope at the valley to survey the area. Without warning he spotted a nekerahn patrol of guards who were obviously on the search for him. He had placed his sniper back on his back and descended from the drop off, down onto the small rock protected ledge jutting out from the canyon side. "I know I'm going to regret doing this this, but I can't turn back now." Hakua thought. staying out of view he crouched waiting for the guards to pass. After they passed he grabbed his blade jumped down, ran up behind them and slashed a guard through the throat. Silently stepping back he knew they didn't take notice, so he went in for another. He slashed two more guards through the throat leaving the chief left walking on by himself. Just as Hakua took a run at the chief, he spun around grabbing Hakua by the throat. "I wouldn't do that, traitor." The chief said. "I know you wouldn't but you are just too slow for me old friend." whispered Hakua from behind the chief. Just then the chief turned back to look at what he was holding on to just to find out it was thin air, "But h-" The chief tried to make out the last words but Hakua stabbed his blade through the chiefs chestplates straight to his heart. "I'm sorry for what I've done, but you left me to die.... what else am I supposed to do?" Placing his blade back on his back, he turned and walked away down the snowy path. His search for the giant beast had begun.