Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Corruption of a leader Part 2.

The two landed in the shadow covered forest. "Woah. what is this?" Hakua asked, partly knowledgable, but not. "Iron tribe colony. Their not gone yet either." Then out of nowhere, a rattling? no, it was a buzzing, it was growing louder and as it grew closer it sounded more and more threatening. A large flying figure burst through the trees of the forest and slashed at Hakua who evaded the attack like nothing. "Hakua! watch out!" the creature wrenched itself back around, only to be slashed in half by an oncoming blade swung by Hakua. As the creature hit the ground it let out a familiar voice. "Hakua..... He's back......and he's worse tha-" the creature faded into air. "He's worse than he was..... he made me this, he is hunting you...." The creature gasped. "I was a matoran, of your tribe, the tribe of gravity, remember?" The creature died. "No, this can't be true, shadowbane? ALIVE? how, I killed him myself!" Hakua exclaimed. "Hakua, it was tren krom's doings......" Dracona faded off. "Tren krom died. he came here, and was killed." "EXACTLY! he brought back shadowbane, and shadow killed him." "Wow, my own tribe leader? revived after I betrayed him? This cannot be too good." But besides those facts the two scavenged the iron colony for weapons and food. They had found a forge, which Hakua used to create new armor and a new weapon, and dracona used to recreate his destroyed protosteel claw that replaced his shot-off hand. the two hopped on draco and took to the sky in search of the gravity village of the valley. "There! Hakua look!" What Hakua beheld was completely alien to him. "A..... A windrider?" The warrior seemed motionless upon his wind lizard, yet he was more than alive and was going somewhere familiar. "This is never a good sign. Dracona we are going under, prepare yourself." A flash changed Hakua and the group from completely visible to invisible in a split second. The windrider leapt off of his windglider and formed an arrow with his body, plummeting to the land mass. Hitting the round with a boom Hakua could identify screams of many matorans, except these matorans looked just like the previous ones. "He's an assasin!" Hakua screamed. "Jump Dracona JUMP NOW!" The second after the two leapt off a spear came almost from thin air and struck draco straight through the heart. Next the assasin had appeared somehow above the two warriors and struck them down towards the earthy surface. "You two, will regret this day, for the rest of your lives." The windrider assasin said. To be continued.....

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