Thursday, March 18, 2010

Legends of Haku, part 1: Just the beginning

The last thing that Hakua saw was a giant flying beast, and all he remebers was being knocked to the ground by it. Sitting up shaking his head and opening his eyes, Hakua looks around with his hand ready to grab his tactical blade. But there was no need to, he was lying down on a snowcovered plain that overlooked a direct drop into the valley. This must've been where he was hit and knocked back. He grabbed his sniper rifle, and lied down looking through the scope at the valley to survey the area. Without warning he spotted a nekerahn patrol of guards who were obviously on the search for him. He had placed his sniper back on his back and descended from the drop off, down onto the small rock protected ledge jutting out from the canyon side. "I know I'm going to regret doing this this, but I can't turn back now." Hakua thought. staying out of view he crouched waiting for the guards to pass. After they passed he grabbed his blade jumped down, ran up behind them and slashed a guard through the throat. Silently stepping back he knew they didn't take notice, so he went in for another. He slashed two more guards through the throat leaving the chief left walking on by himself. Just as Hakua took a run at the chief, he spun around grabbing Hakua by the throat. "I wouldn't do that, traitor." The chief said. "I know you wouldn't but you are just too slow for me old friend." whispered Hakua from behind the chief. Just then the chief turned back to look at what he was holding on to just to find out it was thin air, "But h-" The chief tried to make out the last words but Hakua stabbed his blade through the chiefs chestplates straight to his heart. "I'm sorry for what I've done, but you left me to die.... what else am I supposed to do?" Placing his blade back on his back, he turned and walked away down the snowy path. His search for the giant beast had begun.